At Frazier Revitalization, we build bridges between residents and partners to ensure the community has access to resources and opportunities it needs. Our community programs are the result of cooperative efforts by many to invest in Frazier and give Frazier residents the opportunity to create a neighborhood they can take pride in.


Our programs include:

Try It Tuesday

Try It Tuesday is monthly gathering for Frazier residents held on the first Tuesday of each month, in partnership with healthcare and civic organizations with a desire to inform and engage with the community.

Try It Tuesday provides residents with:

  • A forum for education on healthy living and nutrition, financial literacy and job readiness A forum for education on healthy living and nutrition, financial literacy and job readiness
  • Access to tools and services that support health and wellness

Home Improvement Program

Frazier Revitalization’s Home Improvement Program offers home repairs and renovations to residents living within the Bertrand community. The program addresses repairs that will improve the health and safety, energy efficiency, curb appeal and general condition of qualifying residents’ homes.

Residents who live within the Bertrand community boundaries* must complete an application process. For more information, contact

* The Bertrand community is bordered by Elsie Faye Heggins to the east, Junction to the north, Pine/Spring to the west and 2nd Avenue to the south.

UNT Dallas College of Law Community Lawyering Center

The Community Lawyering Center provides free legal services to eligible Frazier residents. Located within Frazier Revitalization’s headquarters at 4716 Elsie Faye Heggins, the center offers day and evening appointments with law students from UNT Dallas College of Law, supervised by faculty from UNT Dallas College of Law and other experienced attorneys from Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, the Dallas County Public Defenders’ Office and Legal Action Works (L.A.W.). Legal counsel on a wide array of legal matters is available.

For more information, call 214-351-0024 or download our brochure

Financial Literacy

Coming Soon


Senior Outreach Program

Coming Soon