


We help residents feel a sense of pride in themselves and the neighborhood by inspiring them to get involved and take care of themselves and each other.


Engagement Impacts

Hatcher Village Station

Hatcher Station Village

Frazier Revitalization branded and developed Hatcher Station Village. In a coordinated effort, this Transit Oriented Development was brought to life. Residents of the neighborhood remember this land as the site of a motel and nightclub known for prostitution, drug sales and gang activity.  Today, Hatcher Station Village is being transformed into a healthy community asset.

Community Lawyering Center

Community Lawyering Center

In partnership with UNT Dallas School of Law and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, the center offers pro bono legal expertise and services to residents.

Hatcher Station Training Farm

Hatcher Station Training Farm

Frazier Revitalization in partnership with Restorative Farms, helped launch the Hatcher Station Training Farm, acting as its fiscal agent. The one-acre efficient, small-scale farm offers healthy, affordable produce in this food desert, trains community members and future farmers, as well as providing income for community growers and producers.